Wednesday, October 16, 2024
The Days are going quickly now...! And we deepen our discernment
In the morning we had input from Fr. Johannes Freyer, OFM
Fr. Johannes is an old friend of our sisters in Nonnenwerth/Remagen, having been taught by them as a child and then having shared much of his early Franciscan life near the sisters. His joy, his humor and his humanness were very present/perceptible.
He helped us explore our Chapter theme from Francis, Clare and Magdalen's point of view, highlighting 6 different aspects in light of Francis' encounter with the leper - "I lingered a little while, then I left the world."
This leaving the world wasn't a dualistic flight into the monastery. Rather it was an embracing of the world as his monastery which turned upside down the socio-economic battle of powers that was happening at Francis' time.
Fr. Johannes' lively and impassioned reflections and way of being presented us with some welcome challenge - to grow our joy and trust in the Spirit among us.
Then at lunch, we celebrated birthdays and name days of many of our sisters:
- S. Luciana, birthday
- S. Marita, from the Generalate, birthday
- S. Majella, name day
- S. Fatima, birthday
Obrigada por compartilhar!!! Comunidade Marta e Maria acompanhando em oração desde o Brasil!!!