Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - Meeting with the Pope

 Waiting patiently, receiving words of encouragement from Pope Francis in many languages, and finally getting to shake his hand (some of us) and take a picture with him (the official picture will come later).  

Pope Francis is in good spirits--joking with us:  "What did you do to make the General Minister sick that she is not with you?"    

We felt very blessed to have been with Pope Francis, to receive his optimism and his human-centered message--"let the Spirit take you out into the streets, to serve all and to find unity among the differences."  This is an important message for us in the U.S. as we approach another national election where polarization threatens unity and stability.  

And we regret to inform you that we have many more pictures and things to say, but are struggling with the technology and the inconsistencies in internet service here in Rome. 
We have two more days before this to upload, but until now, we haven't figured out how to get photos from Janet's phone onto Patty's computer (it's not as simple as it sounds). 



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