Thursday, October 17, 2024 - Deepening our Discernment
Morning Prayer with our Indonesian Sisters of Most Holy Trinity Province, Semarang
"We Walk With Compassion For Our World"
Love in every step: Let our every action reflect God's compassion.
Becoming the face of Love: When we show Love to others, we become God's face to the world.
Love that moves the world: Compassion is a force that transforms the world. A Loving heart brings light to the darkest places.
Love that transcends boundaries: True Love knows no boundaries. Let us go beyond our egos, reaching out to those in need.
Serving in Love: Every service is an offering to God.
Love that heals: Compassion is medicine for the wounded soul. With Love, we heal the wounds of the world.
Love that brings peace: In the midst of conflict, Love is the path to peace. Let us be peacemakers with Compassionate hearts.
Love is the answer: Let Love guide us in all our decisions and actions.
A rousing version of Deus Providebit (with a bit of a polka-type rhythm) was the closing song for this deeply heartfelt prayer. Thank you to our Indonesian Sisters for their Compassionate and Loving hearts.

After morning prayer we joined our International Groups---a mix of Sisters from each Province---to further our discernment conversations and continue to raise names for consideration for leadership to the General Council. Our discernment facilitator Nancy Schreck, osf arrived late in the morning and will begin the process for discernment work with us tomorrow.
The Kreppel House
As everyday, before pranza, we gathered for Eucharist in the small Chapel of Gethsemani. This morning's mass was hosted by Sister Katharina. She shared a song which was the one used at the time when she---of the German Province of Christ the King, Lüdinghausen---out of need, transitioned to become the Provincial Minister to serve the Sisters at Heythuysen. The words of the song are:
Be our guide, Lord, be a shining pillar, cloud in the day and fire in the night. Lead us into the land you promised us.
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