Friday, October 18, 2024 - Attuning our ears, hearts
Morning Prayer led by our Brazilian Sisters - Come, Holy Spirit
The Brazilian Sisters led us in morning prayer with Light and Spirit! Light for one another, light for our world!
Then, in the afternoon, we finished up all of the remaining work on proposals, finding much consensus as we worked together to restructure some ideas into joint decisions/statements.
We also watched the film "Mother Leonarda's Journey," written by Sr. Diane Giannadda, osf.
Lastly, Sr. Nancy Schreck, osf, led us in some thoughts on Franciscan leadership that we can take with us to Assisi for our discernment over the weekend.
We are eating well and grabbing casual time when we can!

And we enjoy each other's company--and playfulness--often. It is good to have sisters from many different countries.
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